This is part 2 of our post about how to select the right suspension for your mountain bike in Ontario. In part one weexplored what people love abouthardtail bikes, and in part two we’ll look at full suspension. Some of your consideration of suspension will have to do with the type of riding you are doing, but ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. Most people lean one way or the other, and its up to you to decide what you like. Full suspension bikes offer the cushiest, most comfortable ride. They have great traction, and absorb the impact of rough terrain so you will never again go rattling down a mountain like you are on a rickety roller-coaster! They offer maximum control of the rider, empowering you to take on the most ambitious terrain if that’s your pleasure. For cyclists who love to push the limits of technical trail, these bikes tend to be the preference. They really don’t slow you down despite these advancements in control, so you’ll find they are ruthless on the climb and smooth and speedy on the decline. With the evolution of full suspension bikes, they have seen a burst of popularity in the past decade. These are not your mama’s full suspension- they are now light and efficient, unlike the 90’s models which tended towards being heavy, cumbersome, and not very hot looking. They are now almost as light as rear suspension models, and stylie too. The introduction of rear suspension lockout mechanisms has made them much better ascending hills, earning them their newfound loyalty among competitive cyclists. Now they are only about a pound more than a hardtail, and many people feel the comfort and other benefits of full suspension are far outweighed by their nominal heaviness. Come in and try out our full suspension models to see what feels right to you.
Before buying amountain bike in Ontario, its important that you understand your options for suspension. Your bike’s suspension is what absorbs the impact of rough road or trail, and allows your bike tires to stay in contact with the ground. In this post we will explore hardtail bikes. A hardtail is a rigid framed bike with front suspension only. These used to be the only bikes ridden in competitive mountain biking. Nowadays, some riders are opting for full suspension, and others stick with the simplicity of hardtail. People choose hardtail bikes because they are the lightest bikes available, they pedal efficiently, and because a good bike can be purchased for considerably less than its full suspension counterpart. They are low-maintenance, and some just prefer their straightforward engineering. People who like daredevil jumps and stunts enjoy the hardtail’s durability and simplicity. These bikes also do well for off-road trails, single track, and racing. Hardtail is still the favorite of many champion cyclists who love a responsive, light, no-nonsense ride. Many newbies to mountain biking prefer hardtail as a starter bike as their stiffness allows you to really feel the different terrain. They are also economical for those on a budget. Whatever style of bike you choose, always make sure it has good quality components. A cheap department store bike is really not up to this sport, so look to a local specialty shop to direct you to a basic bike that is a good investment over time. If you want all the latest and hottest components, we have top-of-the-line bikes in hardtail and full suspension, so whatever your style, you can have a championship-quality bike. Watch our blog for part 2 of this post about full suspension.
Our century-old bike shop in Ontario, CA has seen some big changes in mountain bikes since we sold our first. Mountain biking began as an experiment. In the beginning the mountain bike was basically a modified balloon tire cruiser. As bicycle enthusiasts began taking bikes off pavement and down slopes, bike designers began to play with a model that could better withstand the evolving sport. The above shows the Breezer number one, the first special purpose mountain bike.The mountain bike has come a long way since then! Today’s mountain bikes are made with high-tech outfitting and ultra light materials. Their geometry is engineered to offer maximum speed. Subtypes of the sport have emerged, each with their own bike modifications, including crosscountry, single track, endurance riding, technical trail, and downhill. We can help you find the right mountain bike for your ride style. We offer a variety of mountain bikes with quality components that will survive a thrashing and go the distance, unlike what you will find from discount or general purpose store. Check out the models we have on our website, in a range of styles, options, and prices.